Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Sigh of Relief

I finally finished the blanket for my brother. I finished it, mind you, at about 1 a.m. this morning. Woke up with a terrific headache too, but that was probably from watching two movies on the lap top while I was sewing up the pieces. Ahem, another reason it probably took so long.

But I diverse, I'm just glad that I finally finished it, wrapped it up, and sent it on its merry way. Now I can get on with that skirt I started a millenia ago. I can hardly believe it is only halfway finished and I'm right in the middle of the lace, so it will be something I'll have to concentrate on for a few hours at least. Ah well, at least I will have a sweet skirt when I am finished!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Secret Desires

My birthday is coming up in another month and a half. Hmmm...

Digital Camera:

This Kodak camera is ultra cute and not too pricey either. Yes, I have a Digital Camcorder, but the pictures it takes are very grainy and they are not always printable through Walgreens or other picture printing sites. I'm looking for something with a little more umph to it. You know? Plus... this camera is ulra cute. And red.

Garden Taffeta:

I'm not usually a pink person, but as the pink is only scattered in the flower accents, I think it is quite acceptable. This little purse is so cute! And it'll hold a set of knitting needles. What more could a girl want from a bag?

Tape Measure:

This tape measure is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. And its a sheep!

Crochet Case:

This case is not only cute, but it comes in red! Bonus! Now, I just have to find all of my crochet hooks....

'Tis the Season

The holidays have been going by quickly and rather quietly here. It has been very nice, since I thought that it was going to be one big pain rushing from here to there to visit friends and relatives.

On the knitting front:

Since the holidays have commenced and the kids (not mine personally, everyone else's) are all out of school, work has died down quite a bit and I've been able to get in some extra knitting time. What the heck, since my boss is out of the country on vacation, I've even been able to get some knitting done at work, too.

I was unable to finish knitting the blanket, I started it in September, in time for Christmas. It is/will be a present to my younger brother. His birthday is tomorrow, however, so I am hoping to finish it by then! I've only a few more rows to knit, tuck in the ends and stitch the pieces together. No problem, right?

My dad has also commissioned me to create a cell phone cozy for him. He doesn't want his new "baby" to get ruined. I bought a multi-blue colored cotton yarn by Peaches and Cream and may or may not get to that today.

Other than a bit of grocery shopping, book purchasing, and laundry, today should be a relatively light day. I'm hoping to get a lot done, but we'll see how that pans out.