Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Change of Pace

Sometimes I admit, I can be a waffler. I stray between thoughts like I stray between projects. Is it bordem? Is it creativity? I'm not really sure. And I could input the question: what do you think? but I think that you might only laugh.

As you can see, I've changed the name of this blog from Knit, Knitting, Knitted... to Knit Cottage. I'd love for it to be knit cafe, but the name is taken and I'm now living in a converted cottage, so it seems quite appropriate.

In the next few days, I hope to have a few changes made around here. One of those should include some picture of knitted items, since that's what this is all about. (Maybe I should ask for that digital camera for Christmas....) For now, we'll all have to make due with the less than perfect quality pictures that my digital camcorder can pump out.

Knitting Scene:

I have not yet finished my lovely blue skirt, but as it is way too cold outside to wear it, I'm not really worried about it.

Finally, I am on the fourth panel of the afghan I started for my brother. It is knitting up pretty quickly and looking really nice!