Friday, October 2, 2009

Day Two

It's noon on day two of Socktoberfest and I'm still sitting at my computer in my pajamas. I feel kinda gross. I woke up at 8:30 this morning, because I was bribed with an egg mcmuffin. I just haven't felt like moving out of my chair. I can hardly help that, it's so comfy! Instead of getting up and actually accomplishing something, like washing the dishes or taking a shower, I watched some 5AG videos and worked on my sister's socks.

I like this picture, because it makes them look a lot further along than they actually are. I've probably only finished about 2 1/2 inches on the first sock, but I wouldn't know for sure, since I left my little lamb tape measure at my mom's house the other night. I don't know what happened. I thought I tucked it into my bag, but appearently, I didn't. Fail.

At least my sister found it before her dog did. The minute Lexi saw it, she was ready to tear it out of my hand and nip at its cute little tail. Poor, Lamby. Here's a picture of my cat:

She is either trying to get her daddy's attention, or a turn at playing WoW. I'm not sure. She's kinda strange, but cute.

Going to go de-smellify, then knit some more! Happy Knitting!

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