Anyway, I went to my first craft fair today in town. And by went, I meant went as a vendor! Beside the fact that I was completely tired and had a headache the whole time, I had a lot of fun. My mom and I went in with a table together. I sold almost all of the coffee cup cozies that I had made, a pair of fingerless gloves and a few other little odds and ends. We'll be back for round two tomorrow.
While I sat and chit-chatted with my mom, the other vendors, and customers, I worked on my sister's socks. I am nearing the end of the first sock. For some reason, I thought that they would take me a lot longer to knit, but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. I mean, I am skipping the "difficult" parts (toes and heels). If I have enough yarn left over, which I suspect that I will, I will knit her a pair of Kathy's fingerless gloves.

They'll look really cute in the dark pink yarn.
I'm not sure if I'll continue on the socks tomorrow. I have a lady interested in commisioning another pair of fingerless gloves for her daughter. I might just bring my dpns to work on those. Plus, my sister might show up tomorrow. I can't knit her socks in front of her. ;D
Happy Knitting!
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