Tuesday, July 29, 2008

At the Knit Cottage

I have avoided doing so much lately. In my defense, I did read three 500+ page novels in the last week. Okay, so that is a really lame excuse.

I did give one of my dogs a hair cut yesterday. I started a new little crochet project with some stash yarn on Sunday. The baby blanket for my cousin is complete, including an adorable shell stitch border and all of the ends tucked in. Today, I even started in on the mountain of laundry I had piling up, seriously, my bedroom was starting to look like I was 16 again! I also sat down and wrote for a bit.

Things I have left to do, include finishing a few knit projects, vacuming and cleaning off the couch, cleaning off the desk so that it is at least recognizable, and exercising - the bane of my existance, but a must now that I realize my metabolism is really starting to wind down. :(

Some things I am looking forward to: getting tickets for Renaissance Faire, pet-sitting for a friend's dog, the final book in the Twilight series and having enough money to buy it because I'll be pet sitting my friend's dog, and finally being able to see my floor! Okay, so that last one is a bit of a joke. ^^

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