Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today's post comes in two parts. I have had a fantastic day, and I'm excited that the day is only halfway over. I have got plenty of time to do the dishes and clean up around the house, or just sit and watch t.v.

Part One:
The first thing I'll talk about is the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair Festival. Honestly, I can't say that name out loud without bungling it. I always want to put the Folk before the Fiber. It kicked off yesterday and will continue on until Sunday. I wasn't sure if I was going to go today. My mom and I planned on going Sunday, since her schedule was full for today, and there wasn't anyone else around to go with me. Or so I thought.

I woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine and thought, "Who cares if I have to go by myself!" Apparently, all I need is a sunny day to really get my confidence up. As it turned out, my bf offered to go with me. :O I was shocked, too, believe me. I bought lunch and drove, so the only thing he was responsible for was keeping up with me.

We saw a lot of ladies knitting and spinning, lovely lovely fiber and yarn, and those cute alpacas in the tent outside. I bought a beautiful handwoven lap blanket for a more than reasonible price from Bleating Heart Haven's stall. I plan on looking at a few pattern books tonight and choosing some yarn tomorrow at the fair.

We did not spend too much time there, but I never once had to elbow my bf or tell him to be nice. For someone who doesn't get 'yarn addiction' or particularly like getting warm knit gifts, he behaved himself very well. And that made me happy!

Part Two:
I wanted to talk a little bit about the scarf I am knitting. The concept of it has been brewing for quite sometime. It's interesting where ideas come from and how they manage to wriggle themselves out of the brain and into the knit.

I started watching the vlogbrothers channel on YouTube around February of this year. A few years ago John and Hank Green, two brothers living across the country from one another, decided to forgo any textual communication for one year. Hilarity ensued and from that I translated it into scarf form.

Starting two days ago, I am about halfway finished with it; though, considering the ends will take longer to knit than most of the scarf, I guess I could count that as more than halfway finished.

I tried using microrevolt to graph my images, but in the end I just printed off the picture, drew a grid on it in pencil, then judged everything by eye while I knit it. I wouldn't recommend it with a more complicated pattern, but whatever works, right?

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