I completed several more rows on my double-cabled scarf today. I am hoping to get through this one skein before this weekend. I want to start on a new pair of socks, but I want to use my knitting bag for them, and of course I can't since I threaded the scarf yarn through the bag. I will not do the same for the sock yarn, since I will be trying to make a pair on circular needles. If I follow the instructions correctly, I should be alright, but who knows, I might end up tangled and I do not want to pull out then rewind an entire skein of yarn if it happens.
Other than knitting, I finishing reading Pants on Fire, aka Tommy Sullivan is a Freak. Gosh it feels good to get through a book in less than two days. It was a pretty good book. The main character, Katie, was pretty relateable. Who doesn't tell a white lie every now and then? Even though she was totally cheating on her cute, jock boyfriend with the hot drama geek. Then, of course, Tommy Sullivan showed up....
I have to admit that among all of the love interests in Meg Cabot's book, Tommy Sullivan did not have it going on. I mean, sure she described how out of this world gorgeous his changing amber eyes were in different lights, and then there were those rock solid bicepts he had developed from the four years he spent in military school, but he had red hair! I totally kept picturing scrawny, 80's Eric Stolz the entire book. Which is way weird, I know.
I took that book back to the library and checked out Wicked Lovely,Peeps,and Devilish. It might be a bit difficult to choose what to read next, since they all seem really good. With any luck, Eric Stoltz won't be making an appearance in any of them.
Happy knitting!
P.S. Luna says, let's go back to sleep!

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