Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy WWKiP Day!

Yup, it is the second Saturday of June and it is World Wide Knit in Public Day! Have anything excited planned? I don't have any big plans myself, but that hasn't stopped me from telling everyone I know about it. This, of course, includes all of my guy friends who couldn't give a hoot less, but they put up with me anyway.

Today I plan on knitting! Well, duh. I would do that even if it weren't WWKiP Day. I'm working on my wrock scarf still. I've gotten past the point where I'm tired of knitting the scarf and I'm excited about it again. I do have to get over to my lys to pick up some more yarn for it. I am just hoping that it isn't a big seller and they still have the same lots in - it has been a while since I've been there, so cross your fingers.

I did get another skein of chenille the other day, so I will be able to finish a pillow that I started. I don't think I want to work on that today though. I also have another pattern floating around my brain for a cute cup sleeve that is theme related to the other patterns I am working on, but again, I don't think I want to work on that... I just want to get this scarf finished!

Other than my stop at the lys, I need to get a new tooth brush, as my bf somehow destroyed our toothbrush holder yesterday. It crashed and burned (well, not so much burned) and the toothbrushes went right along with it. He was so wary of bits of ceramic being embeded in the brushes that he forbade me from using mine. Luckily, there was a spare in the cabinet or I would have had to make extra stop yesterday.

I would also like to take my sister out for lunch. She seems quite reluctant. I offered to buy lunch, because it is usually what I like to do when I get my brother or sister to go out with me. I told her to do what she needs to do, since she had to run an errand for our mom, and then give me a call to see how she was feeling. She was quite down sounding, so it would be nice to cheer her up.

So that is pretty much the jist of my plans for today. I have some waiting and a lot of knitting to look forward to, lucky for me, they go hand-in-hand and it is easy to do both at the same time!

Happy Knitting!

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